Ayurveda and Siddha system of the medicine are truly Indian in their origin and development.They differ very little in theory and practice.While Ayurveda is practiced through out India, Siddha is restricted to Tamin Nadu.It is exclusively linked with Tamil culture and civilization. It is contemporaneous with Egyptian,Mesopotamian,Grecian, Unani and Chinese medicine.
Siddha system was flourished during first Tamil Sangam period (6th and 7th century B.C.). The earliest references on Siddha medicine are in the Sangam literature such as Tholakapium and Thirumandiram.Information on medicinal plans,role of Alchemy,Astrology,Philosophy and Yoga are described in this literature for curing various ailments. This occured information was gradually systematized and developed into Siddha system of Medicine. Agasthiar was the first Siddha Physician.
Many theories were postulated to explain the origin of this system, like Lemurian origin, Mediterranean, Indigenous origin and the Divine theory.
As per the divine theory, the origin of Siddha system like languages is credited to God Shiva.The Shiva cult is associated with Siddha system.Siddha science consists of mainly therapeutics,astrology,philosophy and Yoga.
Basic Principles Of Siddha System
There is a close relation and intimate connection between man and nature. Therefore,man is not free from the influence of nature.
The five elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether of external world) and mind and soul are the basic requirements of creation, preservative and destruction.
Origin Of Diseases
1] Disturbance to Soul : The disturbance of soul (inner man) leads to diseases as soul and mind are integral parts of man's true constitution.
2] Imbalance or Derangement of three Humors : According to Siddha system, Vazhi i.e, increase(+es ) or decrease (-es) of one or more of them will cause diseases.
3] Astral Influence : Astral influences the places where causes of infection exists but not the whole world. They cause no harm in the absence of germs in atmosphere, water or in the human but cause diseases if germs exist.
4] Poisonous Substances : The entry of impure and injurious elements in to the human system through skin causes diseases.